Substance Abuse Rehab in Gauteng

ARC is a Private Drug and Aclohol Rehab Centre in Benoni, Johannesburg

Effective Treatment Solutions

ARC Addiction Recovery Centre is a leader in providing substance abuse rehab in Gauteng. Our programs are designed to support individuals through every step of their recovery journey, offering a blend of clinical therapies and holistic approaches tailored to individual needs. Our approach ensures a robust foundation for recovery, focusing on overcoming addiction while addressing underlying issues to promote long-term wellness.

Our Therapeutic Approaches

At ARC, our rehab programs encompass a variety of therapeutic modalities, including individual therapy, group sessions, and family counseling. These are supplemented by educational workshops, relapse prevention training, and continuous personal development to equip our clients with skills and strategies for maintaining sobriety.

Client-centreed Care Plans

Our dedicated team develops personalized care plans based on a thorough initial assessment. These plans are dynamically modified as recovery progresses, ensuring that our clients receive the most appropriate interventions based on their evolving needs.

Facility Features and Amenities

The ARC facility in Gauteng offers a safe and nurturing environment that promotes healing. Featuring modern amenities, tranquil outdoor spaces, and access to professional medical care, our centre is ideally suited for individuals seeking a peaceful setting to focus on recovery.

Support and Aftercare Programs

We believe recovery extends beyond initial treatment. Our comprehensive aftercare programs include ongoing therapy sessions, support groups, and community-based activities to ensure clients have access to continuous support throughout their recovery journey.

Cost Information and Financial Assistance

Understanding the financial aspect of rehab services, ARC provides transparent cost information and assists clients in navigating financial options for treatment. Our administrative team is skilled in arranging pre-authorization for treatment costs from medical aids, making our programs accessible to a wider community.

Call us and our team will arrange pre authorization with your respective medical aid


Addiction Treatment – Discover comprehensive addiction treatment programs at ARC tailored for lasting recovery.

Substance Abuse Treatment – Explore ARC’s specialized substance abuse treatment designed for comprehensive recovery.

Holistic Addiction Treatment – Discover ARC’s holistic approach to treating addiction for overall well-being.

Evidence-Based Addiction Rehab – Learn about the rigorous, research-driven rehab programs at ARC.

Holistic Addiction Rehab – Discover ARC’s holistic approach to treating addiction for overall well-being.

Alcohol Addiction Rehab – Discover ARC’s comprehensive approach to alcohol addiction rehab.

Alcohol Addiction Support Services – Learn about the supportive services for alcohol addiction at ARC.

Drug Addiction Help – Discover ARC’s approach to providing help for drug addiction.

Drug Addiction Recovery Support – Discover the extensive recovery support for drug addiction at ARC.

Addiction Rehab Centres – Discover the diverse services offered at ARC’s addiction rehab centres.

Rehabilitation Centre for Addicts – Explore the dedicated rehabilitation services for addicts at ARC.

Addiction Rehabilitation Centre – Discover the comprehensive care at ARC’s Addiction Rehabilitation Centre.

Addiction Recovery Centre – Discover the full range of services at ARC’s Addiction Recovery Centre.

Drug Addiction Rehab – Discover personalized recovery paths in our Drug Addiction Rehab program.

Cocaine Addiction Rehab – Learn about tailored treatments in our Cocaine Addiction Rehab.

Rehab for Drugs – Learn about ARC’s comprehensive approach to overcoming drug addiction.
Rehabilitation Centre for Drugs – Discover ARC’s tailored drug recovery programs at our Rehabilitation Centre.

Rehab Centre for Drugs – Explore effective drug recovery programs at ARC’s Rehab Centre.

Substance Abuse Help – Explore ARC’s personalized approach to Substance Abuse Help.

Alcohol Detox Rehab – Learn about our comprehensive Alcohol Detox Rehab program.

Medical Detox for Addiction – Learn how ARC’s Medical Detox provides the foundation for addiction recovery.

Drug Treatment Centre – Discover ARC’s tailored drug recovery programs at our Drug Treatment Centre.

Drug Rehabilitation Centre – Learn about tailored treatments in our Drug Rehabilitation Centre.

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centre – Discover ARC’s tailored drug and alcohol recovery programs at our Treatment Centre.

Drug Programs – Explore the specialized Drug Programs offered at ARC for comprehensive recovery.

Addiction Help – Learn about the effective Addiction Help services at ARC.

Addiction Programs – Explore the variety of Addiction Programs offered at ARC.

Addiction Recovery – Discover the effective approaches in our Addiction Recovery services.

Addiction Rehab Centres – Learn about the specialized services at ARC’s Addiction Rehab Centres.

Rehab Treatment Centre – Discover ARC’s tailored recovery programs at our Rehab Treatment Centre.

Evidence-Based – Explore the benefits of Evidence-Based treatment approaches at ARC.

Addiction Clinic – Learn about the targeted treatments at ARC’s Addiction Clinic.

Addiction Centres – Explore the range of services at ARC’s Addiction Centres for comprehensive recovery.
Addiction Recovery Centre – Discover ARC’s tailored recovery programs at our Addiction Recovery Centre.

Addiction Rehab – Learn about the effective approaches in our Addiction Rehab services.

Addiction Treatment Centres – Explore the range of services at ARC’s Addiction Treatment Centres for comprehensive recovery.

Alcohol Abuse Treatment – Learn about our comprehensive Alcohol Abuse Treatment programs.

Alcohol Addiction Help – Learn how ARC provides Alcohol Addiction Help for effective recovery.

Alcohol Addiction Rehab – Learn about tailored treatments in our Alcohol Addiction Rehab.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment – Learn about our comprehensive Alcohol Addiction Treatment at ARC.

Alcohol Recovery Centres – Learn about the specialized services at ARC’s Alcohol Recovery Centres.

Alcohol Recovery Programs – Learn about our comprehensive Alcohol Recovery Programs at ARC.

Alcohol Rehab Facilities – Learn about the advanced treatment options at ARC’s Alcohol Rehab Facilities.

Alcohol Rehabilitation – Learn about the effective approaches in our Alcohol Rehabilitation services.

Alcohol Treatment Centre – Learn about our comprehensive Alcohol Treatment Centre at ARC.

Alcohol Treatment Facilities – Learn about the specialized services at ARC’s Alcohol Treatment Facilities.

Alcohol Treatment Programs – Learn about our comprehensive Alcohol Treatment Programs at ARC.

Detox Rehab – Learn about the effective detox processes at ARC’s Detox Rehab.

Drug Addiction Rehab Services – Learn about the specialized services at ARC’s Drug Addiction Rehab.
Drug and Alcohol Rehab – Discover ARC’s tailored drug and alcohol recovery programs at our Rehab Centre.

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centres – Explore the range of services at ARC’s Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centres for comprehensive recovery.

Drug Recovery Programs – Learn about our comprehensive Drug Recovery Programs at ARC.

Drug Rehab Facilities – Learn about the specialized services at ARC’s Drug Rehab Facilities.

Drug Rehab – Learn about our effective Drug Rehab programs at ARC.

Drug Rehab Programs – Learn about our comprehensive Drug Rehab Programs at ARC.

Drug Rehabilitation – Learn about the effective approaches in our Drug Rehabilitation services.

Drug Rehabs – Learn about the specialized services at ARC’s Drug Rehabs.

Drug Treatment Centres – Explore the range of services at ARC’s Drug Treatment Centres for comprehensive recovery.

Rehab Treatment Centres – Discover ARC’s tailored recovery programs at our Rehab Treatment Centres.

Rehabilitation Centre – Discover ARC’s tailored recovery programs at our Rehabilitation Centre.

Addiction Centre – Learn about the targeted treatments at ARC’s Addiction Centre.

Rehab Centre – Discover ARC’s tailored recovery programs at our Rehab Centre.

ARC Rehab near Pretoria – Discover comprehensive addiction care at ARC Rehab, located near Pretoria.